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Well Joey is the new addition to our lil
Family. Joey is my sister Desi's son. He came to live with us in August
to help my sis out. Joey loves just about everything about wrestling,
West Coast Choppers, and anything Ashton likes.He has taken a real
interest in Roller Skating and has been going every weekend that he has
been good. |
Joey is moving on to the 4th Grade this year. He passed!
He made the 9 only All-Star team for us this year and played Left field.
He didn't get to start the first game and was not very happy, since he
was told he was a starter. But we talked to him and when he did get in,
he promptly got 2 strikes on him then smacked the ball to center field.
He recently drew some art for ArtTown here in Reno, and as you can see
he got a chance to see it hangin in the Center for Fine arts at UNR. He
was not very excited...but we were. He is still doing very well with
everything else, his counselor can not believe the strides he has taken.