



The Varmits
Family & Friends


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Ashton is still too smart for his own good, he started off slow in HS but got his grades up to a B+ avg. I am that OLD. He has decided that CSI work is appealing rather than NASA.  Ask him anything,  and expect an answer!  His  sophomore year started off great his grades were all A's the first month, but with band and ROTC they have dropped a little, he is trying to juggle too much.
Ashton will be attending SShS out in Spanish Springs, his buddy Alan will be attending too, they have been in school together since Kindergarten. On a sad note his other long time best friend Jenny will be moving to Oregon with her family.  He is still in the marching band, and has moved into the commitment of Jazz Band, that means me getting up at 6am to drive him to school EVERY DAY! He is doing great though, and he is learning the keyboards.

He was recently nominated for Cadet of the month in ROTC and WON! I dropped him off at 6am even sick and he was the only Cadet to answer every question right. All day his troop members bought him snapple, and lunch.

His Immortal words.........."Waddya MEAN?", and "Bite Me!" Still uses this frequently!  
He has stopped playing baseball, but did do some umpiring this year and attended the Youth Umpire clinic, and he did help me run the last two tournaments.

        Email Ashton                                       FarsideTethercat Saturn.jpg (39355 bytes)

     His favorite Nascar driver is Terry Labonte. I think its because he likes the Rooster. He just wishes
he would win once in a while. He has taken a fancy to Dale Earnhardt cars and Dale Jr. since the accident 
at Daytona that killed Dale Sr.


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Ashton has become quite the little park helper, he really knows what he is doing when it comes to that snack bar, and the adults have come to count on him for his help. He made his debut at umpiring behind the plate this year and covered several games for other coaches. He will get certified this year.