These are the Varmints, Gunnar is the German Sheppard. We tragically
lost him in 2000, he was the most wonderful dog. 100lb lapdog.
Shasta is the Aussie/Border Collie, she is the only dog I know that could
escape from a Hermetically Sealed Jar. One of the smartest dogs I have
ever owned.
We just found a loving home for her, she will be protecting a retired
disabled family now.

Xanadu, our ringtail Siamese, just recently left our world.
Smokey, well after his two week stint in the back of a locked van, he came
back much to Laurens excitement. This is the best cat we have ever had, he is
one of the family.

Jewls, she is our adopted kitty from my sister, she is the mamma kitty
of the house, and reminds the other two constantly.
Freedom is the most loving lab/Sheppard mix dog. Solid black with black spots
on her tongue. We gave her to the retired couple too so they could stay